Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh, What A Night!!

Who could have ever imagined that at around 11:10pm on November 6, 2012 we would know who the President of the United States would be?  I never thought that we wouldn't have to live through recounts and lawsuits.  It was that defining. It was startling.  Getting ready for bed and the television pundits announced President Barack Obama's win and we still didn't know about Florida.  And in the light of day, we still don't know about Florida but it doesn't matter!!  Do you hear that?  It doesn't matter.  The President was successful in his re-election bid.  Mitt Romney can go back to the private sector and continue with his ventures. 

There were many thrilling wins last night.  Elizabeth Warren winning the Senate seat from Scott Brown.  Claire McCaskill fending off the nutcracker Todd Akin. Richard Mourdock lost his Senate race to Joe Donnelly,thankfully, after his ignoramus comments about abortion .                 Linda McMahon lost her second self-funded bid for a Senate seat in Connecticut to Chris Murphy. Tammy Baldwin beating Tommy Thompson is huge and she's the first openly gay Senator elected to the Senate!  Washington State and Colorado legalized marijuana. Maine and Maryland legalized same-sex marriage. More women in the Senate than ever before!!!  

I want to bask in the glory of this win.  It was a ridiculously long, hard fight.  Today is a day to enjoy, have hope, and feel good.  There's much to say and much to discuss, but today, aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, wallow in the joy. 

Romney won the White vote.  

Sidebars:  Weekend Today unceremoniously replaced Jenna Wolfe as co-anchor.  I don't understand it.  They moved her from co-host to newsreader.  They replaced her with Erica Hill from CBS.  It is another uncomfortable NBC moment.  It was painfully clear that Jenna Wolfe was trying so hard to be a team player and a good sport.  It was awful.  Wish I could have been in that meeting.  Check off another mark in the bad decision making at NBC. Now, that Savannah Guthrie has been co-hosting with Matt Lauer for a couple of months, I am weighing in.  It's the producers and/or the network bigwigs fault.  They take smart, educated, serious minded women and try to turn them into giggly girls. They did it disastrously with Ann Curry and now Savannah Guthrie.  It's not natural and it feels like Savannah is being dumbed down.  When Savannah Guthrie gets to be in her element of news, she is far better, which is also true for Ann Curry.  Clearly, taking women from news is not the path.  We are bracing for a Nor'Easter here.  Keep a good thought for all those who have already lost so much.  

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