Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's Finally 2013

After the longest last week of my entire life, I made it to 2013.  Not without a lot of bumps and bruises along the way.  Anyone who may know me knows my love for my dog, Chloe.  She's more than a dog and everyone who has met her loves her.  She's a very special baby, and yes, everyone feels that way about their own dog.  She's six years and 11 months.  When she was 4, she started acting off and we took her to the vet.  They said she needed an eye specialist, dog ophthalmologist.  She was diagnosed with glaucoma in her left eye. The doctors couldn't get her eye pressure down so after a little bit, she had surgery and got a prosthetic eye.  She looked amazing and I would tell you that not a day went by that I didn't think she was looking straight at me with both eyes with love and affection. 

So for 2 1/2 years she has been thriving and basically the same.  Last week, something changed.  Chloe was bumping into things and feeling tentative. We upped her drops that she'd been given since her surgery and there was no change.  Of course, the worst time to get sick is Christmas weekend for people and animals. It was getting exceedingly worse and we ran her to the Animal Medical Center.  Her "good" eye was having an acute glaucoma attack.  Her eye pressure was in the 50's (supposed to be below 15).  They recommended that she stay overnight and then we'd decide the next step.  The pain as a "parent" was unfathomable.  Of course, you only want the best for your children.  The next day, the pressure came down but was still too high.  We brought her home for Christmas Day with more drops and medicine and would return when her doctor was back. 

We went to see Dr. V and discussed our options.  One was a surgery that was a last ditch effort and cost a lot of money.  We talked about the pros and cons and decided that it was a surgery for the parents, not the dog. People must do it so they can say they did everything they could, but the result rate at this point was very poor. We decided that she has a tiny bit of sight left, but in people terms is legally blind.  I likened it to that figure skater's mother that had to sit with the television right up to her nose.  Anyway, we modified her medicine. Her eye pressure that day was around 20, which is still too high but much lower from where we began. We brought Chloe home.  

We are incredibly mindful of Chloe on walks, on the stairs, the bed, everywhere. We are now her eyes.  Her spirit is still as sweet as always.  There may be surgery in her future, but for now, we are giving each other love and comfort. We are so lucky to have her in our lives. She brings so much to us and only hope that we give her back at least half of what she gives us.  

Sidebars:  Tried to get away for a few days to Florida and began with two sick kids.  Not great weather. Many laughs though with my Mom.  How much it means to me to see my kids with her.  Returned with one sick kid, again. The initial tweet and reports about Hilary Clinton were so concerning.  She has become an important figure and whether or not she runs for President for 2013, all I want is her health and well-being.  The current reports are very good and her prognosis is for a full recovery!  I am starting the new year with an "eh" feeling.  The politics of this Nation is ludicrous and hard to take.  I give no kudos for doing their job.  Not even a full job.  And they give us nothing to look forward to because we all know that the debt ceiling discussion is coming in a few short weeks.  So, it's a new chronological year but most of the same garbage.  If I take politics out of my horizon, the year looks bright and hopeful.  I cling to that!  A healthy and happy 2013 to all!!

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