Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Reflections of a New Day

The mind is never quiet, thankfully, really.  The alternative is nowhere I want to be.  I keep sending good thoughts and prayers for Joan Rivers.  The pathetic people that feel the need to post hateful and unkind statements make me sick.  Whether you like Joan Rivers or not, she is somebody's mother and grandmother.  She's somebody's friend, loved one.  Why social media has unleashed such hate is a mystery to me.  The poison people spew is unfathomable to me.  Sure I've heard people say mean things in private, but the need to post publicly mean-spirited and evil thoughts is mind boggling.  So I stand here sending continual good thoughts for Joan Rivers complete recovery.  We won't be able to handle anything less than 100%.  Please, Joan, fight and make us laugh again.  

In the same social media vein, did you hear the one about the teacher who tweeted out her private thoughts about her students?  She made comments about wanting to slap them and kill them, etc. and so forth.  Why the hell she felt compelled to make these statements public, I can't imagine.  Honestly, people come home from work and sit around with family and friends for generations and trash their bosses, coworkers, students, charges, etc.  It's dinner fodder.  It's sitting around during happy hour talking about your day.  If you don't know when to say things, keep your mouth shut. Now this beloved teacher (and she's beloved by her students) is fighting for her job.  Look at all the famous people who send out tweets and then have to apologize, delete, or cancel their accounts.  Stop throwing up every thought on social media.  It can't lead to anything good.  

Jimmy Carter.  For decades I have liked him, had a soft spot for him, and didn't accept the common opinion by Jews and Jewish organizations that he is anti-Israel or staunchly pro-Palestinian.  I admired that he created Habitat for Humanity.  He has spent the past few years standing up for women around the world.  BUT, now I am done.  He is allegedly speaking at a fundraiser in Detroit to raise money for Hamas.  What?  Can you imagine the outcry if he was speaking at a fundraiser for the KKK?  IBIS?  Al Queda?  This was a little note in the paper.  Not a headline.  If you wonder why Jews feel both so alone and so strong, this is a perfect example.  Hamas is a recognized terrorist organization. Alan Dershowitz, a huge outspoken attorney, decried that Carter's actions could be criminal.  If anyone hears more details about this, I want to know.  I find it disturbing on so many levels. 

On a personal note, today my little boy and little girl are beginning their Senior year in high school. It blows my mind.  Every parent that's been through it feels the common thread. Where did the time go?  How is it possible that the beautiful babies that we brought home from the hospital, cared for, bathed, fed, played with, read to, sang to, laughed with are making such a big step.  It feels like yesterday.  I have joked that 3rd Avenue will be a new river when they go off to college, but for now, I am going to cherish every moment and try my damndest to stay in the moment.

We spent Labor Day weekend in Philadelphia, one of this country's greatest cities.  If you've never been, put it on your bucket list.  There is so much to do and see.  The feeling of history oozes from every brick, crevice, and sidewalk.  It's deep with American history, ripe with more and more incredible museums, theatres, and cherished sites.  We went because the children wanted to go to a two day music fest, Made in America.  We wanted to go to see friends, family, and the Barnes Museum.  The second day of the concert, there was a sudden deluge of rain with thunder and lightning.  They made everyone leave the Ben Franklin Parkway for safety reasons, but, the most incredible use of social media, they tweeted that the concert would continue and come back. How fantastic!  The City of Brotherly Love pulled off a two day event with no serious incidents.  Bravo Philly. (Unlike the 3 day music fest in NYC on Randall's Island, where they evacuated everyone again on the third day and it was over). 

September is here.  It's the month of schools beginning, Jewish Holidays, primary elections, and my birthday.  Please enjoy your new day, new week, and new month. Feeling teary and grateful.

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