Friday, August 7, 2020


 August 7, 2020



I have been quiet here pretty much since the current President won, but I haven't been quiet interpersonally.  I am dipping a toe back for a few reasons. I can't take it and must throw up in words some of my thoughts. They may be repetitive but I'll try to have a different perspective.  I am going to throw out stream of consciousness of what's really bugging me today, in this moment. So here it goes:

1. MLB - I am so thrilled baseball is back but, will not throw my whole heart into it because there are so many egregious Covid 19 rules being broken.  I can't imagine they'll make the scheduled season.  There's a lot of spitting, high fiving, few masks, zero social distancing.  Rob Manfred get a handle on it immediately, please!

2. If I'm sending my child to college for upwards of $50,000.00 or for that matter any amount of tuition, and it's online only, I am appalled that colleges are only discounting 10%. Seriously?  HARVARD??? have you looked at your endowment?  $300 billion or so, right?  Help out the students. We are in a state of emergency.  

3. The Census. Just do it.  It's a breeze to do online or even in the mailed version. It's extremely important for the future of all of our communities. If you don't get counted, that's dollars that won't get funneled to your community or how congressional districts get re-assessed.  Please just do it!

4. The most important of all.  Believe it or not, I do know a few Republicans.  I know former Republicans, Independents, Democrats, etc. This General Election is like none other. Every election people say that, but this November is serious. We are voting for our Country's Constitutional future.  This is between good and evil, right and wrong, live or die. This isn't the time to sit it out. Republicans that don't like T***p, don't sit it out. You must check off Biden. We have to get our Country back onto a righteous path and reassert ethics in out Government. It's never been more important than now. This isn't a time to sit back. Republicans you can go back and vote the Party line in 2024, not now. It's time to look deep in your hearts and souls.  I can't believe where we are.  We have a President that is the most corrupt in America's history. He is responsible for zero leadership steering the Coronavirus pandemic. We can lay the deaths at his feet. We can lay them at many of the Republican leaders that made masks political. We can lay the economic crisis of the People at the feet of the GOP. Do I think the Democrats are perfect?  Nope, Never. But in this current political climate, we must all stand up, be counted, and VOTE!!!

I thank you for reading. If you want to discuss, feel free.  I've had almost 4 years to think about all of this. Stay safe, wear a mask, and social distancing!  

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