I Want
I've been thinking about this topic for a very long time. Fifteen years ago or more, when I was an elementary school parent, we would often drop off the kids at school and then parents would convene for coffee. One of the parents was a Dad, whom we affectionately called, "Hot Dad." Even back then, we would debate and converse about politics. It would be lively and cordial. Didn't change any minds but found some common ground. I used to complain about Gerrymandering and why would Republicans want to win elections by cheating. Wouldn't the wins be that much sweeter...? No answer.
Now all these years later, it's the same question. With the demise of the Voter's Rights Act, the purging of Voter rolls, suppressing the vote, (all led by Republicans in Congress) cheating is the only way they can win. I really don't understand it. Of course I do, but not in my heart. Over all these years, trying to discourage people from voting is not Patriotic or democratic.
Maybe we go back to term limits. Again, Republicans will never vote for that. I'm sure many Democrats wouldn't like it either. Citizens United was a terrible decision for our democracy. Elections shouldn't be swayed by dollars. It should be the will of the people of America. We should get rid of the Electoral College and have majority rule. We need minimum requirements to run for office; maybe have to pass the Naturalization test. We need minimum requirements to be nominated for lifetime appointments.
I won't lie, the confirmation and swearing in of the new Supreme Court Judge brought me to tears. I don't know what happened to the revered Court. Somewhere along the way, it became about Party and ideology, not qualifications. The great Ruth Bader Ginsberg received 97 yays. That was a combination of both Parties. That's the way it needs to be or changes will have to occur. I know that Harry Reid gets blamed for the original sin, but whether true or not, it can't stand. Lifetime appointments deserve far more scrutiny and overwhelming numbers to confirm.
I'm all in on the will of the People. I am not all in on Cheaters. I want every vote and voice counted equally. I want all elections to be determined by majority not the electoral college. I want all Congressional confirmations for lifetime appointment to have to get a minimum of 60 votes, preferably 90. I want politicians to lead by Country not Party. I want Biden and Harris to win handily so there are no questions. I want pro-lifers/birthers to stay out of women's bodies. I want all the children alone in camps at the border to find their parents. I want all men and women to be treated equally under the law of the United States of America.
I want to be able to sleep soundly.