There are far too many days left in this Presidential election and the nasty rhetoric is making voters weary. He said, she said. Now, the Republican's are rabidly hanging on to the pay for play of the Clinton Foundation. Wow, seriously? You batsh*t crazy people! Seriously?? How ridiculously hypocritical. The Clinton Foundation has done so much good for people all over the world to help fight Aids, Ebola, and many other fatal epidemics. Has anyone shown any proof that any leader, Country, or anyone else got special favors from the then Secretary of State Clinton from donations made to this non-profit organization? Not a lick. Not one shred of evidence.
Let's take a look at the lobbyists. Isn't it the same thing? There is massive proof that lobbyists have had a huge impact on our elected officials. Does the NRA ring a bell? There are reams of paper linking donations to campaign coffers and votes in Congress. The evidence is clear. What about SuperPacs? There is so much money influencing our government and laws, so why the hell is anyone giving any airtime and credence to the Clinton Foundation accusations? What a waste of time. There are so many clear violations of money corrupting our laws and regulations that we, the People, should be far more concerned with lobbyists. Isn't that the whole problem with campaign finance reform? Nothing can get passed because there are too many special interests paying off the Senators and Congresspeople? Look at any blocked vote or ill-fated bill getting passed or not getting passed, there's a money trail for sure.
Isn't that what Woodward and Bernstein would've been investigating if this was 40 years ago? Where are the intrepid investigative reporters? They are fewer and farther away from any investigations we need today. Did you see the movie, Spotlight? I think that may have been the last fully researched and vetted investigative reporting. What the hell has happened to journalism? Are they just bloggers only shooting from the hip and taking people down now? Is it just ratings and not quality? Les Moonves basically let us in on the dark side of network news when he admitted Tr**p is great for ratings and shareholders. Should there be more than that? By the time the talking heads started to take Tr**p seriously, he couldn't be stopped and he took down possibly more prepared and "intelligent" candidates. I mourn the loss of journalism. Investigative reporting has come down to snippets and edits. No one wants to read a long expose. We are 140 characters and out.
People, don't believe the tweets. Take the time in this election season to find out truth, not truthiness. This election is by far the most important election in my life. I will keep harping on everyone to take the time to vote. Don't get turned off of all the bickering and nastiness that highlights the internet and news everyday. Take the time to read, watch, and listen for yourself. Dig deeper than they do.
Okay, well for those of us that have lived with, admired, rooted for, was disappointed in, disgusted by, rooted for again, and then just completely done...Anthony Weiner is the greatest disgrace to all of us. WTF?!?! He sexted his dick to a woman, disgraced his family, apologized, resigned from Congress, hid away from the public for awhile, ran for Mayor, got caught again, stopped running for Mayor, retreated from view again, and then every so often popped up on talking shows about politics. Most recently he was on The Bill Maher Show. He was good, but of course, made me feel what a waste. He could've been a contender if he could've kept his pecker private. Most recently, the New York Post has caught him again. Now, to be fair, the NY Post is so right wing Republican that tearing down Democrats is an Olympic sport, but today's front page makes Anthony Weiner dead to me. Children's Services should be paying him a visit! He tweeted a photo of his hard penis to a woman with his little baby boy next to him!!! Who does that?? What is wrong with him? It sickens me and makes my head just keep shaking. Clearly, the worst thing that happened to Anthony Weiner was a cellphone. Made it all too accessible. This latest photo is beyond the beyond. He is done. Breaking news here: his wife is leaving him. I appreciate she gave him multiple chances, but she has to get her son and be done, too.
Sidebars: Watched the VMA's, which in years past have had some very memorable, talked about moments. Not this one. It was all Rihanna and Beyonce. Poor Britney Spears, whom I don't get at all, seemed to be lip-syncing again. Beyonce was the Queen Bee but I felt too old to thoroughly appreciate her. For me, not a great show. Too many, stellar, I'm sure. Sweet moment when Drake publicly pronounced his love for Rihanna since he was 22 years old. A letdown show for this older woman. -- The Night Of concluded last night. I have had love/hate feelings for this 8 part series on HBO. Lots of good and lots of hard to believe conversations and events. AND I have to find out the truth about Rikers Island so if there is anyone that knows anything, I need to know. --
Monday night it's Bachelor in Paradise and American Ninja Warrior. Both aren't for the entire family, but both have something to offer. -- Kids are back again at college. Another adjustment period for the parents and the dog. We will get there. -- There's a lot of possible severe weather all over the country. Be careful out there.
Happy Monday wherever you are.
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