Monday, March 28, 2016

Do As I Say Not....

I've been ruminating a lot about this election season.  Sometimes, I just have to tune out because it makes me physically sick to hear the rhetoric, fighting, and lies that keep getting spewed with little to no fact checking.  Of course, the truth is in our current internet and 24/7 news cycle, once something is said, it's out there and no one cares to follow up to find out the facts.  It's a dangerous time, clearly.  

I have been thinking in recent weeks, the Republican party and candidates hug the NRA so tightly that whenever there is a mass shooting in our schools, theaters, churches, etc. there is silence or they reply that everyone should be carrying a gun.  Teachers should all carry guns.  Everyone on military bases should be carrying. Preachers should be carrying. Everyone should be carrying.  That's their answer. If everyone had a gun, we could take care of the problem.  So, I find it so curious that at all of these RNC/Drumpf rallies, they go through metal detectors and can't bring their guns to the events.  

Now, believe me. I don't like guns at all.  I don't own a gun and won't own a gun. I understand people that own a rifle for hunting or a pistol for home protection, but I don't and will not understand automatic weapons or having an arsenal.  I can't see reason on this.  So, imagine my surprise that the Party, bought and paid for by the NRA, and the candidates and politicians that fall all over themselves to say nothing negative about guns, won't allow guns into their rallies.

This weekend, a petition signed by over 35,000 people are trying to get the RNC convention in July to allow people to open carry their guns.  I really can't think of anything better.  What are they so afraid of?  According to their stance, the more guns, the more protected you are by crazy people, so what's the problem?  Oh, I see, they only stand up after a mass killing and say people need more guns, but don't get guns near them.  No way.  Don't see the hypocrisy in their public position?  They are only willing to "talk the talk," is that it?  

Believe me, I can project that if guns were allowed into the RNC convention, there would be shootings, but isn't that the point?  Isn't that why we need some gun regulations?  Why can't they see that?  It's staring them right in the face?  They know if they'd allow open carry at the convention in Cleveland, people would get pissed off at each other and tragedy would occur.  It wouldn't be a sucker punch anymore; it would be far more serious.  So why don't they see that for us? Why do we have to be subjected to guns everywhere?  I'd rather live in a gun free society than where we are today.  The NRA is pushing me farther to radically amend the 2nd Amendment.  They have successfully bastardized the intent of our forefathers.  People, can't you see, the RNC and their people are just as scared as the rest of us.  They just won't admit it.

Sidebars:  Tonight's The Voice and Dancing With the Stars.  The Voice announced that Pharrell Williams and Christina Aguilera won't be back next year and replacing them...Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keyes.  Two men and two women judges for the first time.  I have no doubt that Alicia Keyes will be great, but the proof will be in the pudding on Miley Cyrus and her musicianship.  --  The NCAA basketball tournament is down to the Final Four: Oklahoma vs. Villanova and North Carolina vs. Syracuse.  I have Villanova in the final game against N. Carolina with Nova winning it all.  We shall see.  -- If you're in NYC and want to see a gem of a new show, get tickets to Dear Evan Hanson at the Second Stage Theatre.  I don't want to build it up too much, but well worth the time and money.  --  If you're not watching Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, she's on again tonight on TBS.  She's fantastic.  Worth the DVR space.  --  Can't believe how fast March is going. Wow!  Be well everyone.  

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Drs. Drumpfenstein

I'm thrilled that John Oliver discovered Donald T***p's original family name, Drumpf, so I can now freely write without all the asterisks.  So for the purposes of any ruminations, he will forever be Donald Drumpf.  Anyone here know the story of Frankenstein?  You know that the Doctor is Frankenstein who creates the monster, well that's how the media is in this election season.  

Every time the talking heads post how much money the candidates have spent in each State, Drumpf has spent pennies on the others' dollars.  Anyone wonder why?  It's not rocket science. All the "news" shows give him free rein.  Drumpf can call in and get as much airtime as he wants.  He can say anything he wants.  He can drop in in person and sit down with Joe and Mika on Morning Joe or Matt Lauer on The Today Show.  He gets more free time than anyone in any segment of the population.  It's mind-boggling.  What are the talking heads going to do if he's the Republican nominee and they have to give equal time to the Democratic nominee?  It all just makes me shake my head.  Everyday, Drumpf dominates the "news."  The talking heads on every station give him carte blanche to say anything he wants without much challenge at all.  No matter what crazy ass sh*t he says, they just let it lay there.  The follow-up is nonexistent.  

The news media didn't do their job from the beginning.  Drumpf has more crap in his closets that they have refused to investigate and reveal.  They are taking the celebrity ride.  The talking heads all underestimated Drumpf's appeal and were seduced just like his nutsy followers.  In the eleventh Republican debate, Ted Cruz kept hammering Drumpf on his donations to Democratic politicians.  Drumpf rebutted that he gave to both sides of the aisle over the years.  He's a businessman, he had to do that.  Of course, I get that, but doesn't that just illustrate the political problem?  Can't piss off either side because you may need a favor or a permit sped up for approval.  Why didn't anyone hammer him for that?  That's the issue.  That's the crap his followers hate and he has lived it in his business life.  

The only one who has hammered Drumpf on anything of substance is Mitt Romney, but both too little, too late and totally the wrong messenger.  Why aren't the debate moderators demanding answers of substance from him?  Why aren't all the talking heads, that freely take his calls so he can insult and refute anything negatively said about him, follow up with facts.  They did try to use facts and proof in the debate last night, but he still slipped through all the cracks.  

The tenor of the debate was so low and base.  It was embarrassing that that is how demeaning the barbs have become.  The fact that Cruz, Rubio, and Drumpf sound like 3rd grade boys on the playground and no one gets a time out, are terrible lessons to teach.  I heard multiple parents say that they watched the debate with their children and were disgusted and embarrassed at the tone.  Certainly, if you are trying to teach and share the democratic process for the pre-voting age, hard to explain and defend what the hell is going on.  If they spoke like this in a high school debate, they'd be tossed and disqualified, but we have to hear that Drumpf has a "large penis."  We have never ever wanted to hear about his dick or any other candidate's, but that's where we are.  That was the headline out of the eleventh Republican debate.  

The only candidate on the stage that stayed on message, discussed policy, and spoke thoughtfully was John Kasich.  The RNC and Reince Prebus did a huge disservice to their candidates.  They should have demanded four person debates from the beginning.  Should have given everyone a real chance to be heard by the voters.  It's the only way the listener can hear anything. The moderators should get to zap the debaters for going over the time, interrupting anyone, and not answering the questions.  No matter what happens, Drumpf gets the most time every day on the phone, the radio, the debate stage, everywhere.  He has become a monster that can't be stopped and there's no question, the media can take their bow.  They did it.  

Sidebars:  Ok, I am going to keep touting Full Frontal with Samantha Bee on TBS.  Well, worth it.  So is John Oliver on HBO.  Both are once a week, so if that's all the time you can give to political satire and truth telling, it's less than 60 minutes a week.  If you can add in Trevor Noah (which is M-F on Comedy Central), he has hit his stride. And he is so cute to look at, too.  Bill Maher may not be for everyone, but he is wickedly pointed and fearless in his humor.  Sometimes can make me cringe, but often just smart and funny.  -- The Bachelor still has fans shaking their heads.  Ben, the current bachelor, told two women that he loved them.  Wow, seriously?  That's some muck he stepped in and we are wondering how he gets out of that.  He handled himself so dignified and sweet until this past episode, now....Also, don't know why it is becoming so pervasive, particularly on The Bachelor, but using the word "I's" as opposed to tried and true words "mine" or "my" is hard to hear. -- Very few things in sports is making me happier than Stef Curry and the Golden State Warriors.  The anticipation of counting down the days until Opening Day...April 4th, also makes a girl happy. Hear, hear to Brandi Chastain for announcing that she will donate her brain for research of female athlete concussions.  TGIF and the "last blast of Winter."  Hope the meteorologists are right.  Happy Weekend!

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