Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bah, DiBlasio!

I didn't vote for our Mayor.  I didn't like him from the moment I was introduced to him through my television screen, but I tried to have hope when he was elected.  I knew people that were supporters and tried to have faith, but....I can't stand him.  I think that Bill DiBlasio is the worst Mayor this city has had in decades and maybe ever.  He comes across completely inauthentic.  When his big campaign promise was the banning of the horse and carriages, I knew we were in trouble.  There are so many other far more important issues in this city, besides the fact that I think it's all being propelled by emotion and not facts.  I love the Horse and Carriages.  It is one of the last bastions of the past in this town.  They have put into place more restrictions for the well being of the horses.  If the City Council actually passes to ban the horses, I surely hope that all the facts that their decision is based are revealed.  What happens to the horses if they can't work anymore?  I've heard they get put down.  Is that true?  I have also heard that one of DiBlasio's biggest campaign donors wants the land that the stables sit.  Is that true?  Facts, people, just the facts.  Not emotion!!!!

Every time Mayor DiBlasio opens his mouth, it's a disaster.  After a long grueling decision making process (and I say that with every ounce of sarcasm), the DiBlasios decided to move on up to Gracie Mansion where every Mayor has resided other than Mike Bloomberg.  This past weekend, we were treated to the news, that he added a fence without permits so that he could have more privacy.  Seriously???  It's the People's home.  It's just on loan to him.  No Permits!!!!!! What the hell was he thinking?  I hope that the neighborhood makes him take it down.  Who the hell does he think he is?

He was in office for 6 or 7 months, when he did something no other Mayor has done since I've lived here...he took a two week vacation to Italy with his family.  Really?  After only 6 months???  We foot the bill for some of that trip and it's totally unacceptable.  It's disgusting.  Again, he plays the "everyman" and just isn't.  I am a bit surprised that there wasn't a louder out cry about that.  

It was also revealed that the historical artwork that grace the walls of City Hall and Gracie Mansion aren't diverse enough for him.  Are you f**king kidding me??  It's historical portraits.  You can't whitewash history and change it to your liking.  You can't pretend that the history in New York is different than it is.  It's history!  

DiBlasio has alienated much of the police force in recent weeks.  He needs their backing and he's loosing them.  He was asked by one police association not to show up to a fallen officers funeral.  During the protests this past weekend, two police officers were injured by a few unruly protesters throwing a garbage can at their car windshield.  DiBlasio called it alleged.  The police are furious.  They feel completely unsupported.  Who can blame them?  Overall, all of the protests have gone on without incident from both sides, but if he doesn't back his police force....

We are only at the tail end of his first year.  It is going to be a very long term.  I see no hope while he parades around this city as "Mayor."  We are the fools that suffer.  Who in the world can run in 2016?  Please, please someone step out of the shadows.  I guess you can tell, that when DiBlasio speaks, my blood boils over.  Sigh.

Sidelines:  Okay, on a happier note.  It is the first night of Chanukah, Christmas is in a week, 2015 is in two weeks, and we get to start all over again.  The Voice finale is tonight.  Vacation begins soon.  Seniors everywhere are finding out about college acceptances.  So, to everyone, wishing you and yours a very healthy and happy New Year.  May all your dreams be bright.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Clap Yo Hands If You Believe in Fairies

Maybe it would have helped if the producers of Peter Pan did the "black" version, like they did for Hello Dolly and Pearl Bailey in the late 70's-early 80's.  It definitely needed something.  Look, I am over-the-top pro-musical lover.  I never want to be harshly critical so that NBC doesn't continue to do live musicals.  Bringing musical theatre to the masses is a fantastic idea.  Love, love, love it, but how in the hell can you decide to produce Peter Pan and do it on a school night from 8-11?????  That is so ridiculous.  Craig Zaden and Neil Meron should be producing live musicals for the night before Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving itself and begin a new family tradition.  If they don't want to "waste" it on a holiday weekend, for god's sake, perform it live on a Friday night or start it earlier.  What kid in elementary school can stay up until 11pm?  It was hard enough in my home and I wanted to watch it.

However, they didn't make it easy for viewing.  Peter Pan isn't a great musical, but it has some tug-at-your-heart-string songs that if you grew up with Mary Martin or Sandy Duncan will always get you.  Allison Williams was a curious choice for Peter Pan.  Not a high profile choice and not from the Broadway stage.  Her father, Brian Williams, is the known entity to America.  She was serviceable to good.  Very likable, but not a big wow.  The Wendy was long in the tooth and had the teeth to bear that out.  I can't believe there isn't a teenage Broadway starlet that could've done more justice to the role.  The large male company of pirates and lost boys were all very good and definitely came from the land of Newsies.  I am a huge fan of Kelly O'Hara and she didn't disappoint, but if we were going to cast actors too old for the parts, she may as well have played Wendy....Christian Borle was a new twist to Smee and probably would've made a great Hook but....

Christopher Walken cast as the villain, Captain Hook, was, on paper,seemed like a coup, but it didn't make it to the screen.  He is too old.  I can't believe that I am saying it, but he is. He is 71 and too old to play Captain Hook on the small screen.  He looked pasty and wrinkled.  Maybe if his portrayal was outrageously fantastic, it would have been overlooked, but it wasn't.  He hardly came to life.  At times, he looked like he was reading his lines.  He looked down a lot.  He came to life, slightly, when he got to dance.  Maybe he was tired.  I sure was.  Can you imagine them hiring Glenn Close to play Peter Pan?  It would never happen.  She's "too old."

What they decided to do to the Ugg-a-Wug song was so dumb.  I can't believe that we have become so PC, that they had to modify the Ugg-a-Wug to basically oy-vey.  I really don't know what they were singing but, come on, it's a silly little song.  The songs that were added, shouldn't have been.  They didn't add, but seemed that the actors were contractually given "moments" so they'd do the musical.  Those unmemorable songs just highlighted how draggy the production was.  It never should've been 3 hours.  Too many WalMart commercials.  

Though from a production stand point it looked beautiful and fantastical, I can't believe that you can still see the cables for flying.  It is 2014 and there are no invisible cables that can help make the magic magic?  It was so awkward and odd in this day and age not to have a more high tech answer for flying than Flying by Foy.  It bunched up just like it does in any stage production under the actors' costumes.  Really?  That really surprised me.  If they couldn't do better than that, maybe this wasn't the right musical to pick....

I can't go more in depth because I felt nothing, really.  I was sitting in my chair thrilled in the beginning.  I love the opening of Peter Pan when Pan and Tinkerbell first show up, but 90 minutes into it...I was bored.  They should have picked up the pace, cut the new songs, and been done.  They could have bought back the local time and started this three hour production at 7pm. It was the wrong musical to choose. There are so many great scores and stories.  Curious why they'd  pick Peter Pan for their second outing. Anyway, it wasn't unbearable, please don't think that's what I am saying, but I love, love, love musical theatre and I want it to be introduced to the masses so they will hunger for more. 

Sidebars:  I can't even call this a sidebar, but an after thought.  My last RantsandRuminations was prior to the Eric Garner Grand Jury decision.  I'm sure you all know by now, but the Grand Jury, again, decided, not to indict the police officer that killed Eric Garner.  There have been many protests in the streets since that happened, disrupting traffic everywhere.  Largely, peaceful protests.  More will continue.  Maybe the Grand Jury system needs to be revisited.  More another day, I'm sure on this.  It's Friday.  Enjoy your weekend, hug your family and friends, let go of the bad, and hold on tight to the good.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

We Wait....

I clearly don't have enough knowledge about our judicial system.  Most of what I know is from Perry Mason and Law And Order.  Having made every wrong decision in the Ferguson case, we in NYC are waiting for our own decision in the Eric Garner case against the NYPD.  Hoping against all hope that no matter the decision, there will be peaceful protests only.  

Are Grand Juries used when you're not sure there's enough evidence to press charges?  Not every indictment goes through a Grand Jury, right?  In the Mike Brown murder, there seemed to be plenty of evidence to take it to a public trial, but the jurors decided there wasn't.  In the Eric Garner case, the police tried to question a large black man thinking he might be selling cigarettes illegally on the street (which I'm not sure there was any evidence of that ever), he resisted, and about 8 cops tackled him to the ground, one cop put an illegal choke hold on him and, as everyone heard, he said he couldn't breathe and he died on the street.  There is vivid video of this altercation and death that has been seen millions of time.  The Medical Examiner of NYC declared the death was homicide.  So what's the issue?  I'm not being flip, but if homicide is the determined death, someone has to be responsible, right?  

So, here we wait.  For some reason, we are not getting the national attention, which may be a good thing for the city.  Every New Yorker knows this story.  Every New Yorker has seen the video.  It's unfathomable to me that the Grand Jury wouldn't vote to indict, but clearly, I don't get the system.  I think every crime should have its day in court, unless both sides voluntarily can plea it out.  Every victim's family should get to have the chance to hear what happened to their loved one.  Let's throw out all the superfluous lawsuits and keep the courts open for real crimes, there are plenty of those.  

We wait for news.  There will be no National Special Bulletin interrupting your TV shows.  Local news will interrupt, because they interrupt for just about anything.  I really can't believe that the outcome will be the same as it was in Ferguson.  I can't believe it, but my Pollyanna glasses are getting cloudier. 

And so we wait....

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Heavier Heart

I can't believe that at the age of 55 years old I am still shocked and saddened by the injustices in our judicial system.  I always think the best of people and think "right" always wins out, but time and time again I am proven wrong.  My world view is very different as a white mother than my friends that are black mothers.  I can't totally understand the fear and terror of raising a black male, but can understand the total dismay and pain of the repeated outcomes of our system.  The scales are tilted against black youths and I can't understand how the scales of justice still aren't balanced. 

The Grand Jury decisively declared that no criminal charges would be brought against Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown.  I sat there listening to the Prosecutor read the decision and try to explain away how a cop can shoot an unarmed young man 12 times and nothing happens to him.  I can't wrap my head around that.  I am not blaming the citizens on the Grand Jury.  They are doing their best in a very difficult situation.  I do blame the prosecutors giving no guidance in the possible litany of charges and the law.  None.  I blame the decision by Governor Jay Nixon a week ago to bring in the National Guard to patrol the streets of Ferguson.  I blame the Prosecutor that decided that announcing the Grand Jury decision would be best to deliver at 8pm.  Every step that was made since the tragic death of Michael Brown by the local and State government has wreaked of cover up.  

Seriously, hundreds of people anxiously awaited the announcement in the streets of Ferguson.  Crowds kept growing. Schools were closed in advance of the announcement for fear of the aftermath.  The anxiety of what was to come was manipulated and toyed with by those people in charge.  It was apparent that "they" knew the outcome and it wasn't going to please the masses.  By every single decision made, it felt like the government was the matadors and we, the people, were the bulls.  The red flag being shaken in our faces, taunting us all.  

The longwinded, unsatisfying outcome was presented at around 8:20pm Central Time Zone.  First of all, what f**king nerve for them to plan for 8pm and be late!!!!  Just adding more tension in the air!  The media types immediately went to their people in the streets to report on the unrest.  They, too, were ready for the worst and tried to hype whatever they could in the immediate aftermath.  It seemed tense but somewhat under control.  When I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the images of burning stores and cars, my heart sank.  I will never understand the destruction of one's own neighborhood.  These aren't big box stores being burned to the ground these were small, mom and pop stores.  Neighbors'.  It happened in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict and they burned down buildings all around their own neighborhoods.  What good does that do?  Seriously?!  I can empathize with the despair and the anger, but not destroying businesses of innocent bystanders.  

The person who came out the very best in this entire tragedy is Michael Brown's father.  He repeatedly has asked for calm and peaceful protests since his son was killed.  He has gone out of his way to thank neighbors for their support.  The statement the Brown Family put out was clear, thoughtful, and brave:   

We are profoundly disappointed the the killer of our child will not face the consequence of his actions. While we understand that many others share our pain, we ask that you channel your frustration in ways that will make positive change. We will need to work together to fix the system that allowed this to happen. Join with us in our campaign to ensure that every police officer working the streets in this country wears a body camera. We respectfully ask that you please keep your protests peaceful. Answering violence with violence is not the appropriate reaction. Let's not just make noise, let's make a difference.  - The Brown Family

​Sadly, many people didn't listen. Justice was not served. 12 bullets. Overkill, no matter how you slice it. 

​Sidebars: In two days, it is Thanksgiving and many people are not feeling it at all. ​Please take the time on Thursday to thank the people in your life. Take a moment to think of others that may not be as lucky. I must give a shout out to my dear, dear friend Steve on the passing of his Dad. It feels that November has been a very tough month for loss, so this Thanksgiving I want to hold on even tighter to the people that I carry in my heart.  Wishing every one a moist turkey and many laughs with your friends and family.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Family Values, Shmamily Values!

The Party that always screams about family values and the Pastors and Preachers that scream about family values have to take a step back and look at what is going on in our country.  On one of our most cherished holidays, Thanksgiving, many companies, stores, and malls have been eroding the holiday to line their own pockets.  Instead of Black Friday, many stores are opening around 6pm on Thanksgiving. Some malls are fining stores that refuse to open as much as $200/hr. On so many levels, this is so crass and disgusting.  This is all about consumers saving money and stockholders making more money.  It's about dangling carrots in front of the most vulnerable so that the rich can get richer.  

It's not the 1% who are leaving their families to work or shop.  You do realize that, don't you?  It really turns my stomach.  There are so few days that families have and, God knows, the uproar if companies tried to do this on Christmas.  Why is Thanksgiving being slighted?  It is a holiday to give thanks for all we have, not for what we will save at the mall.  I can't bear how disgustingly commercialized Christmas has become.  Many stores put their Christmas displays up in October.  Remember when we were kids?  October was all about Halloween?  November was all about Thanksgiving?  AND the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas started in full swing.  Now, we don't get to enjoy or appreciate any holiday.  By the time we get to December 25th, we are thoroughly sick of all of it.  

Why do we stand for this?  All of this commercialization has nothing to do with peace on earth good will towards men.  It's how much can I save, how much can I sell, how much, how much????  It's a true disgrace and like gerbils, if the stores open, people come.  We don't stand up to cling to our valuable family time.  So, I ask of you all to stand firm, stand tall and have another piece of pie, sing songs, snuggle up with your family.  Don't support this madness.  Don't support the hypocrisy.  Families must be your first priority, not the bargains.

Show more support for these twelve stores that are valuing their employees over their bottom-line:  Costco, Marshall's, Barnes and Noble, Game Stop, T.J. Maxx, Neiman-Marcus, Nordstrom's, Burlington Coat Factory, Dillard's, R.E.I., American Girl, and Patagonia. These stores are all choosing to be closed Thanksgiving Day!  We should spread this list around to everyone. 

And, by the way...many analysts have said the sales aren't even their lowest on Thanksgiving/Black Friday.  Before you rush from the table to shop, look around at what you are leaving behind.  I will never think it's okay to marginalize this holiday.

Sidebars: The Polar Vortex is back.  It is so cold throughout much of the Country.  More than 10 degrees colder than last year at this time.  Many inches of snow in some parts.  It's Friday.  Time to go out, see friends, go to movies, and shop.  I tried to go see Foxcatcher today and it was sold out for the 12:15pm showing on the first day out.  I will get there.  Happy weekend wherever you are and whatever you do.  

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

No Harm, Please.

Okay, the Republicans have won back both Houses of government.  That's done.  Only happened because the Democrats suck.  If the Dems knew how to run campaigns, the outcome would have been different, but they don't.  No vision.  No singular voice.  Never know how to frame the achievements.  Run, baby, run away.  Don't talk about the good. The Republicans own the conversation.  They are always focussed during campaigns.  Can't even say that the Dems were out spent.  There was far too much money spent on another election season.  Ridiculous amounts of money wasted and no outrage anywhere.  

Can you imagine what good could've come from all that campaign money?  We could've solved so many problems in our country.  According to the Center for Responsive Politics, a non partisan group in D.C., more than $3.67 billion dollars was spent on this midterm election season!!!!!!  What if all that money went to education?  Wouldn't that make a dent in our suffering school systems?  It's such a disgrace.  Can't forget that elections are bought and paid for by huge donors and lobbyists.  Doesn't anyone see that it's wrong?  Why aren't the citizens understanding this?  

The registered Democrats didn't show up to the polling locations.  The Independents didn't either.  How the hell can anyone want things to be different if the masses don't show up at the voting booths?  If you don't vote, you get exactly what you deserve, but what about the rest of us?  We're screwed. We do our part.  We show up. In NYC, we had three unpublicized bills or propositions.  What the hell?  How does that serve anyone?  Showed up, got our ballots, and there are three wordy bills to vote on. That's pseudo democracy, not real democracy.  Growing up in California, voting is intense.  Before election day, you get a sample ballot.  It's clear, thick, and tons of propositions.  The only problem there is the wording is always tricky.  Are you voting for something or against something.  The props have to be read thoroughly and discussed to clearly know which way to vote.  

Okay, so now what?  Well, I am very afraid about our future.  The Republicans in government are largely climate change deniers or so deeply in the pockets of gas and oil that they pretend to be ignorant.  Never understood the concept of not believing in science, but many Republicans own that.  Why can't our elected officials err on the side of caution?  What harm would it do to make some regulations to protect our one earth?  Why aren't more people worried about the many earthquakes in Oklahoma?  Could fracking have something to do with it?  I don't know, but certainly I'd take a long hard look at it.  I'd err on the side of caution.  

Republicans everywhere think that this midterm election is a mandate from the 10 people that voted, but I don't see it that way.  They are just better at spending money and running campaigns.  They hit the "right" notes for their people and they vote.  The Democrats are lousy at the tag line to get their people out.  LOUSY!  Why isn't there talk of replacing Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC Chairman?  I admire her, but she isn't able to get the candidates and campaigns in lock step.  It's a thankless job and maybe that's why she still has it.  

So, please, please to all of our elected officials, do no harm.  Our children and our children's children are depending on you.

Sidebars:  It's Veteran's Day!  Thank you to all who have served. Television has been really kicking it.  Homeland and Blacklist have really been jaw dropping.  The Voice went live this week.  It's not too late to start watching.  Whether or not they've produced a stand alone star doesn't matter to me,  it is just fun, fun, fun.  Winter has blown in way too early for mid-America and now it's coming this way.  Ugh!  Not ready.  I'm sorry, what?  Oh, did you say global climate change...?

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How He Lived

Yesterday, November 4, 2014 at 10:00am, a friend died.  He was diagnosed in March with cancer and from the moment he heard his prognosis, he didn't stop cherishing life, living life, or celebrating life.  I am paraphrasing, I'm sure, but when the doctor told him that his cancer was terminal, without skipping a beat, he said, "I've lived a great life."  Who says that?  That is a response that I can only dream of saying. I don't think that I would have that first reaction.  His friends rallied around and feted him time and time again.  Just one week ago, his friends threw him an incredible dance party.  He was laughing, dancing, shmoozing with everyone. It was his last hoorah! He wanted to leave his mark.  

Well, my dear, Glenn, you left a mark on all of us.  When I heard the news yesterday, all I could hear in my head was the music and words to Brian's Song.  The soundtrack has been playing over and over again in my mind.  I can't pretend that I was a part of the inner circle, but I feel the loss deeply.  Glenn was one of the sweetest, kindest, funniest, and most loyal people I've met.  Met him through our children's school experience.  Never had kids the same age, but somehow we clicked and spent many poker nights and athletic events side by side.  His passion for his children, palpable.  

I will never forget the incredible "Life" magazine cover of Glenn hugging his son after a terrible basketball championship loss under the hoop at City College.  It was real and raw.  He didn't care.  It was as if, they were the only two people in the gym. He was at every game of his son and daughter's ( and as a parent at our school, not an easy task).  Lots of ups and many downs, but always supportive.  Yes, Glenn had to learn to bite his tongue in the stands, and he did. He did it for his daughter.  From where I sit, he was one of the great Dads.  

The loss is great and, again, makes me beg the question, why?  Why do truly good, loved people get taken from us far too soon or ever?  It's something that I have never been able to figure.  It makes it very hard to believe in God or a higher being. Glenn, you were really taken from your beautiful wife and children, far too soon.  You have left a deep imprint in all our lives and I only hope, that I can live by your example.  It won't be easy, but I can try.  All I have right now, are these few words of love and admiration and the words of Gale Sayers about Brian Piccolo:

"I'd like to say a few words about a guy I know, a friend of mine. His name is Brian Piccolo, and he has the heart of a giant and that rare form of courage which allows him to kid himself and his opponent -- cancer.
He has a mental attitude which makes me proud to have a friend who spells out "courage," 24 hours a day, every day of his life.
Now you flatter me by giving me this award. But I say to you here and now, Brian Piccolo is the man of courage who should receive the George S. Halas award.
It's mine tonight and Brian Piccolo's tomorrow.
I love Brian Piccolo.
And I'd like all of you to love him too.
And tonight, you hit your knees:
Please ask God to love him."

Monday, November 3, 2014

So No One Can Say I'm Crying Over Spilled Milk, I'm Saying It on Election Eve

Until the Republican Party stops talking about abortion rights and pro-life, I'm out.  Until they stop talking about religion, I'm out.  Until Republicans stop talking about guns and bastardizing the 2nd amendment, I'm out.  The party of Lincoln has turned into a party that I completely can't support, which means, no matter what, for any National offices, I am stuck with one party, and only one party.  I wish it could be different.  I think that there was a time the Republican platform may have been far more interesting and palatable.  Now, they have made it impossible to vote for any of their candidates.  The people that they've put on the ballots are diametrically opposed to my basic philosophy of life, right and wrong.

I can't believe that since Roe v. Wade became law, the Republicans became dogs with a bone.  They have come up with all sorts of cuts to abortion clinics and laws in various States that is making it harder for women to exercise their constitutional right to end a pregnancy.  Every election season, I think they won't make abortion an issue and for my entire voting life of thirty-seven years, they do.  Leave us alone.  Get an abortion, don't get an abortion, but to think that women get abortions without pain and thought, is incredibly presumptuous and ignorant.  

I've said it before and will keep saying it, keep your religious views out of my government!  Now, obviously everyone's life experience informs decision making, but don't make me hear about your belief in Jesus, God, Allah, or any other specific religious theology.  Not everyone has the same belief system. More and more believe less and less, so own your beliefs but don't project them on others.   I would rather never hear if a candidate goes to church, believes in God, or prays to a God above.  I would rather atheists or humanists, but that will never happen.  

Republicans stance on guns is distorted and disgraceful.  The many mass school shootings hasn't gotten the Party leaders to stand up and pass common sense gun laws makes them a Party that I have no room for in my life.   They are all about re-elections and money. 

The Republican party was always the Party of Big Business and low taxes, now they just say the most horrific things about women and abortion rights and immigration and, and, and....The Democratic Party is not much better, they're just not as bad.  That there are people going to the voting booths that will, again, vote against their own personal interests is staggering to me.  Look, I always vote.  Am I thrilled about the candidates that we are given?  Not at all, but it's all we've got.  In New York, many Democrats are also running under Women's Equality Party.  That may be the ticket for me.

So, it's election day.  Don't blow it off.  All you young people, take the time to vote for the first time.  To all of us jaded people, still, carve out the time.  As much as I complain, it's all we've got.  Until we make our voices heard, we have to play within the lines.  Stand up, people.  VOTE!  And before you put your mark down or flip the switch, think about what's important to you and your life.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

United Hysterics

​OMG!  Can you believe the news about Ebola since last week.  It is the most every changing, fluid situation. Here in New York and New Jersey, our local leaders are leading with terror, panic, and complete ignorance.  Has anybody remembered how you can contract Ebola?  Through bodily fluids!  That just doesn't seem that easy unless you work in healthcare or having anonymous sex.  Seriously,  Governors Cuomo and Christie are looking like fools.  Truly unfortunate for Cuomo because he's up for re-election and voting is in a week.  Not that he has a viable opponent, unless you are Far Right.  ​Christie just sounds like an ass.

Our National government isn't looking much better either.  The CDC is pulling double duty in the absence of a Surgeon General.  Though Obama named an Ebola Czar, our Congress and President should be ashamed of themselves for not being able to find a Surgeon General that they can agree upon.  Our system is in such disarray, I can't believe we are paying all those elected officials a salary, much less pension and welfare.  You'd think after these past six years I wouldn't be surprised by the do-nothing government, but every day my head shakes in disbelief. 

Stop the panic.  Ebola is a virulent disease in parts of Africa.  Here it is not.  We don't get up in arms about the thousands of deaths per year by guns, but a few people testing positive and one death from the Ebola virus, we go ape sh*t.  Government by hysteria.  That's how this country rolls now.  Govern by ignorance, we're in.  No facts to support a decision, no problem.  That's where we are.  

Come on, people. There is an election in one week.  Make the time to vote.  Your vote does matter.  It's all we've got that makes us a democracy.  Our democracy may be in crisis and extremely challenged, but I have to believe that this too shall pass.  We will come out stronger and better in time. I have to believe.  Everywhere in this country there is an election on Tuesday, November 4th.  There's a whole new crop of voters,  the brand new eighteen year olds. Take this opportunity to stand up and be counted.  

Watch, read, and listen.  Don't buy into the hysteria.  

Sidebars:  Halloween is upon us.  The costumes for the girls have gotten sluttier and sluttier.  Who the hell thought a Ray Rice costume was a good idea?  It's disgraceful and anyone that supports that get-up is just as guilty.  Not a big fan of adult Halloween.  Love little kids dressing up and going trick or treating.  Still am promoting The Graham Norton Show(BBC America) and John Oliver (HBO). If you want laughs and intelligence, these shows shouldn't be missed. The Voice is better than ever.  Congratulations to the CBS show, Madam Secretary for getting picked up for nine more episodes.  With the push to ban horse and carriages in NYC, does anyone know or care what happens to the horses that would be put out of work?  The World Series continues tonight in Kansas City.  The Giants lead the Royals 3-2.  Come on GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!  

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Flying the Koop

Do you realize how the gridlock and complete disregard for the American people is affecting us?  More than laws not being passed.  More than not getting a new airplane for the Vice President, whose plane has been grounded with mechanical problems four times in recent memory and flown commercially.  More than bickering about raising the debt ceiling.  We have no Surgeon General.  Did you hear that?  Did you realize that?  We are flying solo with this Ebola outbreak without an official medical leader to guide the plane.  This outbreak can't fly on autopilot.  You can see that the CDC needs far more support.  I am not laying blame at the feet of the CDC.  I am laying blame at the feet of our elected officials.  All of it!  Their bought and paid for positions are now endangering the lives of Americans here in the USA.  Since Congress is obliged to do the bidding of those that got them elected, Congress couldn't possibly pass any Surgeon General candidate that President Obama might put forth.  Why, you may ask?  Well, besides the fact that our Senators and Congressmen have clearly not been able to agree on anything, the NRA will not support any candidate for Surgeon General that Obama nominates.  Why, you may ask again?  Any Surgeon General nominee that the Obama Administration would suggest would take dead aim at the gun crisis in this country.  Period.  End of story.  

So here we are at the mercy of our government to protect us.  What the government used to do, as easy as breathing in and out, was make decisions that would be best for the people of this country.  Now, not so much.  Again, this all goes back to the poisonous well.  If we got the money out of politics, this country would still have bumps, but run much smoother.  We would have a Surgeon General to help guide this health crisis or the next health crisis.  Funny how this huge hole has not been on the front pages or the top stories on the news.  Instead of the media scary everyone about Ebola, they should be shouting loudly about the lack of a health pilot.  Where is the outrage?  Where is the shock?  Why aren't people standing up and screaming, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

All I can do is rant.  I can try to get the word out.  I can try to get people to vote.  I can encourage people in the Voter ID States to help others to get to the polling stations or vote absentee ballot.  Each of us has to do our part.  I will be ranting a lot about voting on November 4, 2014.  I am feeling completely disheartened by the state of our government and country.  The only way up is through elections, peaceful demonstrations, and revolutions.  

I'd love to know how many of you didn't know that we lacked a Surgeon General.  Feel free to pass the word along.

Sidebars:  The Giants won the pennant in an incredible series and game. Wednesday night's walk off home run was the first since the great 1951 Bobby Thomson.  What a legacy!  If you've never heard that call in baseball, take the time to listen to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrI7dVj90zs.  It's what makes baseball so fantastic. We wait for Tuesday night for the World Series to begin in Kansas City.  Go GIANTS!!!!!  It's Friday, that means it's time for Shark Tank, the Amazing Race, and tons more football.  If you haven't started watching The Affair on Sunday Nights on Showtime, pick it up.  It could end up being the most talked about new series.  Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Fall has really arrived here in NYC.  Have your leaves started to change color yet?  

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Flying the Koop

Do you realize how the gridlock and complete disregard for the American people is affecting us?  More than laws not being passed.  More than not getting a new airplane for the Vice President, whose plane has been grounded with mechanical problems four times in recent memory and flown commercially.  More than bickering about raising the debt ceiling.  We have no Surgeon General.  Did you hear that?  Did you realize that?  We are flying solo with this Ebola outbreak without an official medical leader to guide the plane.  This outbreak can't fly on autopilot.  You can see that the CDC needs far more support.  I am not laying blame at the feet of the CDC.  I am laying blame at the feet of our elected officials.  All of it!  Their bought and paid for positions are now endangering the lives of Americans here in the USA.  Since Congress is obliged to do the bidding of those that got them elected, Congress couldn't possibly pass any Surgeon General candidate that President Obama might put forth.  Why, you may ask?  Well, besides the fact that our Senators and Congressmen have clearly not been able to agree on anything, the NRA will not support any candidate for Surgeon General that Obama nominates.  Why, you may ask again?  Any Surgeon General nominee that the Obama Administration would suggest would take dead aim at the gun crisis in this country.  Period.  End of story.  

So here we are at the mercy of our government to protect us.  What the government used to do, as easy as breathing in and out, was make decisions that would be best for the people of this country.  Now, not so much.  Again, this all goes back to the poisonous well.  If we got the money out of politics, this country would still have bumps, but run much smoother.  We would have a Surgeon General to help guide this health crisis or the next health crisis.  Funny how this huge hole has not been on the front pages or the top stories on the news.  Instead of the media scary everyone about Ebola, they should be shouting loudly about the lack of a health pilot.  Where is the outrage?  Where is the shock?  Why aren't people standing up and screaming, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

All I can do is rant.  I can try to get the word out.  I can try to get people to vote.  I can encourage people in the Voter ID States to help others to get to the polling stations or vote absentee ballot.  Each of us has to do our part.  I will be ranting a lot about voting on November 4, 2014.  I am feeling completely disheartened by the state of our government and country.  The only way up is through elections, peaceful demonstrations, and revolutions.  

I'd love to know how many of you didn't know that we lacked a Surgeon General.  Feel free to pass the word along.

Sidebars:  The Giants won the pennant in an incredible series and game. Wednesday night's walk off home run was the first since the great 1951 Bobby Thomson.  What a legacy!  If you've never heard that call in baseball, take the time to listen to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrI7dVj90zs.  It's what makes baseball so fantastic. We wait for Tuesday night for the World Series to begin in Kansas City.  Go GIANTS!!!!!  It's Friday, that means it's time for Shark Tank, the Amazing Race, and tons more football.  If you haven't started watching The Affair on Sunday Nights on Showtime, pick it up.  It could end up being the most talked about new series.  Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Fall has really arrived here in NYC.  Have your leaves started to change color yet?  

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Voting From the Poisonous Well

If you know me at all, you know how passionate I am about voting in elections, any election and all elections.  What has me dismayed is that with zero campaign finance reform, democracy is being challenged and dying every day and no one is standing up.  I'm not talking about politicians or lobbyists standing up. I am talking about people, me, you, us.  Gone are the days that a person with ideas and smarts can throw their hat into the ring and run for office.  It is such a disservice to our Nation.  My daughter recently discussed with me that I should run for mayor or some office.  Great thought.  Love the idea, but the reality is, since Carolyn McCarthy of Long Island,  if you don't have the backing of a political party and deep pockets, you don't have a shot of discovering a "Mr. Smith," a person with integrity, ethics, morals, and intelligence.  A person not bought and paid for by others.  

The US Supreme Court took democracy down many more times when they allowed Citizens United to win their battle.  There are no limits to how much money people and companies can dump into our political system to get what they want.  If you think for one minute that there aren't strings attached to every dollar, grow up!  It is poisoning every aspect of our government.  D.C. is deeply rooted in paybacks, that our country is being hijacked for just a few.  It's the .01% of this country that is destroying our democracy. (.01% may not be the factual number but you get the idea).  The businesses, lobbying groups, billionaires, are holding this country hostage.  Why else would we not have a working government?  The money has to get out.  

The McCain-Feingold bill was supposed to help the campaign money woes, but too many loopholes and Supreme Court decisions took that bill to its knees.  If all our elected officials had term limits, maybe we wouldn't have to keep hearing about fundraisers all the time.  WTF??  These Congressmen and Senators spend more time worrying about their re-election than worrying about our Country.  Did you hear me??  Our Country!  Even the President of the United States is running around raising money for candidates.  All of you need to stop it!  No more fundraising!  

You know when the Tea Party first began, it was all about money and the economy.  They were on the right track for about a week, then they, too, got hijacked by the extreme Right.  Occupy Wall Street, a very short lived movement, had some good ideas and ran out of steam.  After watching all the spy series, maybe they were infiltrated by our government to wipe out or hijack.  

Look, in our current state, if you criticize Wall Street or the big CEO's, you're anti-capitalism.  If thinking that only a very few people should be thriving, then I am anti-capitalism.  Mostly the stinking filthy rich in this country didn't invent anything but more money.  It's not the tycoons of yesteryear.  The railroad and oil magnates built this country up, but didn't put any brakes on this.  So, maybe, just maybe if we took out all the money from politics, used only public funds, and had term limits, maybe this country could thrive again and we could elect people that really want to make a difference in our country and the world.  As it stands now, democracy is taking a hit every day.  As bleak as this all may sound, all we have, to have our voices heard, is our individual vote. Let it be heard. Don't take it for granted.  

Sidebars:  Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Medical Consultant for NBC News, must be suspended by the network for breaking her "voluntary" quarantine for the ebola virus.  It's embarrassing and disgraceful that she and members of her team went to pick up food from a restaurant.  Terrible judgment and NBC can't figure out how to handle it, so they just mangle it.  If you missed The Affair on Showtime, worth picking up on your DVR.  Not sure where it's going, but intriguing. We are in the thick of the NLCS and ALCS pennant playoffs.  Looks as if the Royals may take it over the Orioles in a sweep.  Come on Orioles.  The Giants are up 2-1. Let's go Giants!!!  ESPN's 30 for 30 last night was about the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco and its effect on the World Series (which I happened to be at).  Not as gut wrenching as I thought it could be, but so interesting because being there in the midst of it all, I missed so much.  Still promoting The Graham Norton Show on BBC America.  Really a great hour of laughs and fun.   

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Monday, October 6, 2014

Border Grills

Okay, people, I want to take on immigration.  I don't understand why so many on the Right are all concerned about all the Hispanic immigrants coming over our boarders.  Really!? Not I.  I am far more concerned with the haters and the carriers than anything else.  Why do we allow anyone that has a passport stamp from any country that hates America into the country?  Why do we let any American back into the USA that went and spent sometime in Syria and isn't in the Armed Forces?  Why doesn't the State Department have to approve travel to questionable countries?  Geez, we had to stand in line to get a special visa to go to France 25 years ago so they could regain control of entrances and exits.  (I am sure that something happened which precipitated that event, but can't remember).  So why is there a seemingly free flow to questionable countries?  In and out without flags?  I'm sure some people get flagged, but it doesn't seem thorough and inflexible.  From the beginning, when the reservations are made, the ticket is purchased, and an American citizen boards a plane, even circuitously, to the Middle East, there should be a big, bright red FLAG! Then the CIA, the State Department, someone can scour our citizens' online traffic and if there is anything, don't let them back in until a thorough investigation is completed.  Conversely, any citizen from another country that has some curious passport stamps may need to spend some quality time with authorities before entry is allowed.  Maybe we, the United States of America, make foreigners get a visa to come to America.  It may be a pain in the ass but it also raises money.  Okay, that's it for now on the Middle East "tourism" flags.  

Now, can we talk about West Africa?  If we are so damn concerned about Ebola, why are we allowing any flights into this country?  If the global community is so concerned about the spread of the virus, then together the countries and airlines need to track all the people that have travelled in and around Liberia.  Those people need to be quarantined before they can freely walk our streets or hospitals.  Honestly, what's the point of going through the questioning at Customs and Passport Control, if the foreign stamps and travels of the person aren't thoroughly vetted.  We can't be surprised that Ebola has come to our shores when our borders or so open and welcoming.  Maybe we have a new use for Guatanamo....

If I am not expressing it perfectly, I think you get the idea.  There is so much more that we and the global community can do to track possible suspects or carriers of Ebola.  So forget the poor hispanics, let's tighten the entries for the real concerns we face as a nation and the world.

Sidebars:  Real Time with Bill Maher brought out the political lion of Ben Affleck.  He was so far left, that it made Bill Maher seem right of middle.  Good television.  Shark Tank still touting as interesting, fun, and educational.  Homeland returned last night, good not great.  I still hold true that personal life in most of these professional people are poorly done on television.  Enjoying Madam Secretary still.  Dumping The Mysteries of Laura and sorry about that.  Always like to support shows that shoot in NYC.  Did you see the photo of Bruce Jenner on his way to the Elton John concert?  It's very disconcerting: http://entertainthis.usatoday.com/2014/10/06/bruce-jenner-debuts-another-new-look/
Very sad to read that the Jewish fraternity, AEPi, at Emory was spray painted with swastikas right after Yom Kippur ended.  It's not the first anti-semitic act at Emory.  The administration has condemned the acts, but the problem remains.  It's not about Emory; it's the ignorance and the haters.  Have to congratulate the San Francisco Giants in their 2-0 series lead over the Washington Nationals.  The game Saturday night was the longest game in playoff history almost 6 1/2 hours.  Today, back in San Francisco!!!  Go Giants!!!!!!!
Fall has definitely hit NYC.  Enjoy your day.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Is It Enough?

There's so much, as usual.  I never speak about my kids but they are the lights of my life.  We are going through the whole college process now (well, they are I am just sitting helplessly by).  I am proud and concerned.  Hope that I have given them the tools to flourish in the independent adult world and don't want to let go either.  When I hear in the news that a college sophomore has vanished into thin air after a night of fun and partying, it makes me so unsettled and rattled to the core.  Have I drummed it into my kids' heads to never leave a party alone or let a friend leave alone?  Once you put a cup down, it's history?  Every terrible story I've read, the female is left to fend for herself.  Beginning with Natalee Holloway and currently with Hannah Graham, the University of Virginia student missing for over a week, both alone.  Where were their friends?  Where's the buddy system that parents have repeatedly expressed over the years?  

Having a boy and a girl has made me keenly aware of the disparity between the sexes, but I think boys, too, should step up and make sure that their friends get home alright.  It shouldn't lay at the feet of the girls only.  The boys can step up and help keep everyone safe.  I know how unfair it is that the rules are still different for girls and boys.  I always thought it would be different by now, but inherently in the gender differences, it may always be unequal.  Like Emma Watson's great speech at the UN last week, I, too think it's important that boys and men play a role in the safety and responsibility of their friends and acquaintances. It's unbearable as a parent to have to be the doomsayer to one's children.  There are so many scary things in the world and none more scary than a bunch of young, drunk, drugged, out of control, testosterone/estrogen filled people.  No matter how much we, as parents, preach the dangers of alcohol and drugs, there's only so much we can do to keep them safe.

Just in these past couple of weeks, three young NYC boys died from drugs and alcohol.  THREE!!  There's no chance they hadn't heard about the dangers to themselves and others.  It's the same old story, everywhere you go.  So as I am embarking to let go, I try to have faith in the strength and good sense that my children have versus the "evil" that lurks in the world.  I am not the first parent to have these overwhelming fears and I won't be the last.  Please give them all the foresight to make good choices.  

Okay, enough for now.  It is, though, the overriding cone of silence I am living with right now.  

Sidebars:  I've said it before and I will say it again, if you have HBO, watch or DVR John Oliver's 30 minute show on Sunday nights.  It is both interesting and funny.  Thought provoking.  He speaks of many subjects that aren't in the regular newscasts or newspapers.  The Voice still brings me so much joy and satisfaction.  Jump in whenever you can.  The Good Wife was better in its second episode of this season, so I am still watching.  Madam Secretary is definitely worth watching.  Great cast.  Shark Tank came back last Friday.  Great show to create discussions with your family.  Mazel Tov to the Clintons on the birth of their first granddaughter, but does anyone wonder where Chelsea's in-laws are, the Mezvinskys?  All the photo-ops are the Clintons. It's turned grey and cloudy here in NYC.  Fall has arrived.  Enjoy wherever you are.

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Monday, September 22, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

Okay, I can't let go of the new Broadway season yet.  Last week, I ranted that it wasn't the stars fault, that it all landed at the feet of the producers, but I am taking it back.  The celebrities bring the power to the production.  Just like the movies, the star casting gives the green light to any production.  If actors valued the theatre more than their salaries, maybe they could shift the tide.  There's no reason that the actors' salaries have to be $100,000 per week or more!  For the most part, the stars on Broadway have made a ton of money in the movies or on television.  Many haven't even been on the stage before.  Broadway has become summer camp for the celebrities and we are paying their camp fees.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  We, the patrons, are suckers. 

I love, love Hugh Jackman, but am I going to pay upwards of $400 to see him in a show that is 70 minutes?  I am certain that the only reason this play, The River, is being mounted on Broadway, is Hugh Jackman wanted to come back to Broadway.  And, if truth be told, he is the least offensive star because he has paid his dues on the stage.  He's done a lot for the Broadway community and raised a lot of money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids.  BUT he's the exception.  The celebrities are culpable in all of this.  They are responsible for limited engagements and strictly limited engagements.  Making the ticket buying public pay exorbitant prices.  It's a disgrace where this has been heading and this season has to be the ultimate in greed.

Now, let's talk about the Tonys.  The Tonys are the awards given for excellence in the theatre, but with all these limited engagements what does it all mean?  What's the point of giving Tonys out to performers or producers if the shows are already closed?  The Broadway League and the Antoinette Perry committee are really going to have to take a long, hard look at the situation.  It's not right for Tonys to be given out to productions with very limited engagements.  What's the point?  The Tonys are also a marketing tool and if a show isn't running, it's useless other than enhancing the egos of the stars and producers.  Now, clearly, there have been shows that have received nominations that had closed, but the difference is they closed due to lack of money/box office/good reviews/finding an audience.  They didn't close because the stars are running off to their next job.  True Broadway actors want nothing less than a long run.  It's the stars that are helping change the game and this season exemplifies it all.

Sidebars:  Oh, my goodness, I have so many sidebars.  I will try to hone them.  Let's talk football for a minute.  Warmed my heart to hear that over 7500 Ravens fans showed up to trade in their Ray Rice jerseys.  A glimmer of hope.  The Derek Jeter Gatorade commercial is the epitome of class and I am sick of all the haters and critics.  Derek Jeter is the very best in MLB for the past 20 years.  No scandals, no drugs, just incredible ambassadorship for the game.  All you negative Nellies, look in the mirror, if you can even get up from your chair!!  The View is back with it's new panel of women:  Rosie O'Donnell, Rosie Perez, Nicole Wallace, and Whoopi Goldberg.  The papers weighed in after the first episode.  I think that they should've waited.  It takes a little bit of time to gel.  In my world, the jury is still out.  Nicole Wallace is trying too hard to be the lone conservative voice.  She doesn't have to begin each sentence, well from my point of view, or some such phrase.  I do think they will come together, but it will never be what it once was.  CBS scheduled a late NFL game which pushed the much publicized premieres of Madam Secretary and The Good Wife an hour late.  Why do that?  It's just so irritating and makes the DVR crazy. Madam Secretary was a very excellent first episode.  I hope that it continues to grow week in and week out.  The Good Wife season opener followed and I was sooooo disappointed.  I was irritated from almost the first minute and it never got better.  I hope they can turn that show around pronto!  Tonight, The Voice premieres with its new judges Pharell Williams and Gwen Stefani.  Very interested to see how that goes.  Also, season two of The Blacklist with the incredible James Spader begins after The Voice.  The much anticipated new series, Gotham, premieres opposite The Voice and Dancing With the Stars.  Set your DVR's people.  Oh, what a night!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stars Shining Too Brightly

I have so many thoughts in my head and I don't know where or what to begin with, but here it goes.  If you are a New Yorker, one of the best and most anticipated sections of the New York Times is Arts and Leisure devoted to the new Fall season.  This year was no different until I started turning the pages.  The economic reality slapped me in the face with every new page.  Every Broadway show opening is star driven and limited runs.  What does that mean to the theatre goer?  Astronomical ticket prices, if you can even snag a ticket.  When the last page was closed, I was throughly depressed and angry.  What the hell happened to the coveted long run?  It can't happen with all the stars taking over The Great White Way.  It's not all the fault of the actors.  The producers are not artists like they once were. They are all about money and not taking risks.  

Theatre used to be all about the product and then money.  Of course, I'm sure if you asked the impresario, David Merrick, he'd say money was a factor.  He spent tons of money to get the results on stage he wanted.  BUT the great Broadway producers wanted long runs.  That was the desirable outcome.  For those of you not NYers, the famous midtown restaurant, Joe Allen's, has posters of shows that closed in a night.  You will see some great theatre names that took risks and failed, but they tried.  Today's producers want guarantees.  Few producers want to be involved in something new and not star driven.  That's why supporting shows that don't have names or limited runs means so much to me.  Perfect example:  A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder.  The entire creative staff's first Broadway venture, has no big names, and won the Tony for Best Musical!!  If shows like AGGLM runs a profit, maybe, just maybe it will make other producers brave.  I long for the days of the great risk takers.  

The other problem with the announced Fall season, it is clearly a rich persons game now.  The 1%ers have taken over Broadway.  It will cost dearly to see Helen Mirren in The Queen or Hugh Jackman in The River.  That's just two examples of the Fall.  Makes me sad.  It's bad enough that taking a family of four costs $600 minimum and that's just the tickets.  Broadway has a serious problem.  I don't have any idea how to fix it, but I do know if more risky shows recoup their investments, more investors will be willing to gamble.  Broadway was always a gamble and in the current state of theatre, everyone wants a sure thing.  That is counterintuitive to creativity. When I first started in this business of show, everyone said, "don't invest in a show, unless you can absorb the loss."  People invested for the fun of it, the ego, the opening night, the big man on the town. Now, most of the shows are a sure thing.  There isn't a doubt in my mind that any of these star-driven limited engagements won't make money.  None.  Takes the fun out of theatre.

Sidebars:  The American Ninja Warrior finished its season.  I had never really watched it before or understood it until this summer.  What incredible athletes participate.  I thought it was an NBC made up show, but the Ninja events are real and worldwide.  America's Got Talent's finale is tonight.  We will see who America voted for but truly, this was the best season yet.  No frontrunner.  Debra Messing's new show, Mysteries of Laura,  begins tonight right after AGT.  Worth a try.  As far as world news?  There's too much.  Just please pay close attention to the vote in Scotland.  They are voting tomorrow to secede from England.  There are very strong arguments on both sides, but watch the outcome and notice how many people get out to vote.  There are 6 million possible voters and almost 6 million are registered to vote.  This is a democratic country and the turnout is expected to be incredible, not like our embarrassingly low turnouts for elections.  Come on, people!  May we all feel the power of the people in Scotland whatever the result.  

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Sick to My Stomach

I am so appalled how many women don't get it.  I understand men not getting it but even they are evolving.  There were tons of women at the Ravens-Steelers game wearing their Ray Rice #27 jersey and supporting him. Wondering why he was fired.  It happened six months ago, so why get terminated now?  Seriously?  Ravens and Rice fans are killing me. They don't understand the gravity of what happened even after seeing him cold-cock her and drag her lifeless body so callously out of the elevator.  What could possibly affect them if not that tape? 

This is the same group, team, owners, coaches, fans, that unveiled their homage to Ray Lewis in a life-size statue at the entrance to the Ravens Stadium.  Remember Ray Lewis?  He was involved in a double murder in a late night brawl.  He somehow got off.  Paid the victims families.  No time served.  Returned to the line-up with deafening applause.  He is since retired and has become the go-to guy on the Ray Rice domestic violence abuse.  Ray Lewis mentored Ray Rice when he was drafted to the Ravens.  Maybe he was the wrong guy to take a young athlete under his wing.  Not laying it at Ray Lewis' feet, but he did get away with murder.  

In my own little way, I tried to start a movement to stop people from watching the Steelers/Ravens game last night.  Other Facebook friends re-posted my thoughts.  Wanted it to gain traction, but I started too late due to circumstances beyond my control.  I still am a Pollyanna.  I thought, just maybe, there would be a ground swell, not because of me at all, but because fans and NFL supporters are sick of the billionaire boys club owners, the overpaid athletes, and the ridiculous ticket and stadium prices.  But no, actually, the overnight ratings were 108% better than in the past.  Kills me.  No wonder the NFL is so powerful.  The "little" people don't care.  

Though there is a trend to not allow young kids to play.  Parents are getting wiser and realizing that the risk-reward ratio isn't worth it.  Most kids don't make it.  Many Pop Warner groups are shrinking and schools are taking a longer look at the policies surrounding practice and play.  But really, I am getting away from my original nausea.  I can't believe how disappointing women are to me.  As a group, they let me down all the time.  I am distressed that the younger generations have no idea how women got this far, take it all for granted, and, in some cases, have completely misconstrued what a feminist is.  If women don't stand up to the NFL and the Ravens, who will?  Who will make a difference?  Tony Kornhiser and Michael Wilbon are screaming loudly on ESPN's Pardon the Interruption.  Phil Mushnick of the New York Post wrote about all the "criminals" of the NFL being sought after for coveted television jobs.  It's not Andrea Peyser, featured columnist, who has made her recent career tearing down one woman after another.  

Women are so overlooked and we allow it to happen.  How many middle school or high school history courses are devoted to the women's movement?  From where I sit, it is zero.  So maybe it's not the younger generation's fault. The women that are not understanding what Ray Rice did or feel sorry for him or think that his wife must've done something to provoke him or just don't care because they just blindly love their football team, take a long look in the mirror.  You are contributing to the problem.  

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