Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Can't Believe I Am Taking the Time

I can't believe that I am going to spend any time writing or thinking about Lindsey Lohan, but I am.  In her latest run in with the law, she has continued to display loud sobs for help and getting none. What has disturbed me is that all the people around her have become her pimps.  They are only interested in what she can do for them and if she can't there are other clients that can.  It's painful to watch the both physical and spiritual demise of a person.  It may happen everyday in some town all over America, but watching a celebrity crash is painful.  She lacks parents, family, siblings, agents, managers, PR people, accountants, and clearly, friends that will be painfully honest, hold interventions, make her go away for a long time to get healthy. The fact that she was hired to play Liz Taylor for a Lifetime MOW was ridiculous.  The people around her must have heard cha-ching.  Before you cry out to me, why do I care at all, it's because it is such a blatant display of all the worst in Hollywood.  Her parents are insane and have their own issues.  She probably never had a shot at a normal life, but she had me fooled in her early career.  She managed to portray the twins so brilliantly in The Parent Trap that it almost wiped out any memory of Hayley Mills original performance.  Mean Girls is now a cult classic for all tweens and teens.  Freaky Friday was another successful remake.  When she did Herbie Fully Loaded and changed her hair color, that was the beginning of the end.  And people, I do feel the end is coming.  I don't wish it, but nothing seems to make a difference to Lindsey and her entourage; not jail, community service in the L.A. morgue, threats from judges, outcries from fans.  We are witnessing a living and breathing suicide.  I don't understand how someone in her life can't take control and help her.  I was an agent, I do not lay this at her agent's feet, but I do lay the blame for pimping her out for employment when she is clearly not healthy enough. 

Really people, it bothers me so much.  I can hear all the late night talk show jokes and laugh, but it is painful.  We've been down this path before with other celebrities in recent memory (Anna Nicole Smith, Charlie Sheen, Michael Jackson) but this one truly gets to me because I think someone could help her, not Dr. Phil, gain her life back, get control, get healthy, and live a full and accomplished life.  She is young enough, but it doesn't look hopeful from here.  

Sidebars:  Dancing With the Stars is finished for this season.  Melissa Rycroft and Tony Dovalani won.  Though I didn't watch this season, I watched the announcement and the pure joy that all the dancers felt for Tony was evident.  The Voice is down to six now.  I don't have any idea who will win.  I don't have any idea who will get voted out next.  This has been the best batch of talent on any show in any season. Again, not judging yet, but can't see Usher or Shakira raising the bar next season. I watched Survivor for the first time since the first episode.  I am intrigued by Lisa Welchel's participation.  Don't get the show but am interested in her path and staying power. I can't really start dealing with the idiots in Congress, but I am sure it will come soon enough.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Money, Money, Money, Mo-ney

I have been ruminating about the alleged 6 billion dollars spent on the combined campaigns around the country for election or re-election.  Seriously?  6 billion dollars?  Why isn't there an outcry to fix our campaign system?  Why can't we have election cycles more like France or England, short and sweet.  What we all went through was ridiculous, but when money was spent on "nothing," was even more ridiculous.  When we argue about taxes on the rich and yet Sheldon Adelson threw away $100 million on trying to force his opinions on us all, what are we arguing about?  It's a disgrace and he is just one of a multitude of stinking rich folk who through money at campaigns. Don't tell me that all that campaign money spent created jobs.  Don't care about that argument.  That money could be used for "good" not "evil." I can't stand how much money was spent. Why aren't there people outraged?  Are we just worn down? Did we all just need a break?  Doesn't it nauseate you that talking heads began talking about the next election in 2016?  The machinations never stop. Members of Congress are always campaigning.  The campaign system needs a complete overhaul.  Public financing must win out so that regular folk can participate in politics.  The Parties are too powerful.  Time to re-think, re-tool, and re-imagine.

Speaking of money. Isn't it ironic that the party that "promotes" family values is systematically ruining Thanksgiving?  Now that many of the giant stores are opening on Thanksgiving and making money, there is no putting that genie back in the bottle.  What expense is it to the family?  The workers have to leave the warmth of their family and friends to go to work. The aggressive, desperate, and sometimes violent bargain grabbers are leaving their families to spend money.  Maybe their whole families are dragged out to shop.  I find it so offensive.  Can't be stopped because there is money being made, but changing Thanksgiving so drastically will forever change the Norman Rockwell painting.

Sidebars: Did you see Lincoln yet?  I just saw it.  Well worth the time.  Very interesting. Great acting and of course, a very important time in our history. Good to see both the rancor and the success!  Saw a great play with my family during the holiday weekend, Golden Boy, written by Clifford Odets. A brilliantly written play, great cast, great direction, and love the sets and costumes.  If you are in the NYC area and are a play lover, go see it!  Tony Shalhoub leads a fantastic cast! The Good Wife just stop it!  Producers have got to sit down, take a breath, and get the show back on track.  I am sure that ratings are down. Homeland is really a breathless ride.  Not disappointing in season 2. The Voice still strong.  If you aren't watching yet, it's not too late.  I can't believe that Usher and Shakira can fill the great big giant shoes of Cee Lo Jones and Christina Aguilera in the next season.  Seeing the photo of Justin Bieber and the Prime Minister of Canada wreaks disrespect.  I don't care if he was backstage doing a show.  There must have been a better way.  And yes, I will say it again, Justin Bieber seems so inauthentic and needs a new stylist desperately. 

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Monday, November 19, 2012

No Spoilers

Okay, seriously going pop culture here.  I have already weighed in earlier in a sidebar about The Good Wife, but I have to reiterate, if they don't turn it around immediately, they have jumped the shark. It's painful and irritating to watch now.  Incredibly uneven and when it's bad it's angering because we know what it has been and what it can be.  Producers and network better sit down and listen to all the fans that are complaining.  The shows that are airing may have already been shot before all the outrage, but I promise if they continue on this path, they are done.  Homeland is strong and very suspenseful.  The acting is superlative and deserving of all the accolades.  I will not comment on content so as not to spoil anyone's postponed viewing.  Bill Maher is now on hiatus until the end of January. Amazing Race is still going strong.  Love that they went to Moscow in last night's episode.  Fantastic.  

The AMA's (The American Music Awards for those who may not know) had some great performances.  I still don't get Usher, though there are songs of his that I like, I don't get him when he performs on television.  Never think he sounds good. Not sure why he is so huge.  Psi and MC was flawless.  Genius producing.  Pink is an extraordinary talent.  Always puts on an interesting and memorable performance.  The blondes all are looking alike.  Other than Carly Rae Jepsen, Nicki Minaj, and Pink, the singers are all platinum blondes with long locks. I don't think they are that distinguishable.  Please know how much I love Stevie Wonder so I say this with trepidation,  he is making me nervous.  He really looks unhealthy and didn't sound great either.  I love him and I worry a bit.  Justin Bieber looked ridiculous.  I don't know who his stylist is or what he is trying to convey, but he looks stupid.  Trying too hard.  Diamond studs, diamond necklace and pants that were too odd.  I don't understand what his image is.  Anybody?  Dick Clark created a great awards show.  There have been defining moments on the AMA's over the years.  Lest we forget Michael Jackson's moonwalk debut. 

Sidebars:  The New York Knicks are 7-1.  An amazing an unexpected start.  The NY Jets won.  NY Giants were off this weekend.  Incredible weekend for college football, but the big wins to me UCLA beat USC and Stanford beat Oregon.  Other highlights were Michigan and Ohio State winning their respective games.  Next UCLA plays Stanford over Thanksgiving!  That will be a great game.  Still no hockey.  Today is our school's first Varsity basketball game.  Go Dragons!  Not sure if I will be back before the holidays, so let me take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a very Happy Thanksgiving and a moist turkey.  We have much to be thankful for this year; don't forget to take a moment.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

By All Means

So, there is much rumbling about secession.  It seems to occur more often now than in past decades, but Texas keeps rumbling along with other Southern States.  I say go and don't let the door hit you on the way out, but before you go...stop taking money and support from the Federal government.  Try that on for size and see how you all do.  Many of the Southern States take more money from us than generate money to us.  They are the "takers" and they don't even know it.  Let them find out how things would be without outside help from the Federal government.  I think they'd cry Uncle and would probably shift their thought process.  Dare I say evolve?  They are petulant children.  Waaaaa, they didn't get their way.  They didn't win.  Waaaaaaa, the black man still live's in the White House.  Waaaaaa.  So really, put your money where your mouth should be and stop taking money from the Feds.  We up North might be flush without the drain of the "other" States. "They" grumble and mumble as if we'd care.  Take the baby steps. Stop taking the money.  We could use it for the people that are proud to be part of the United States of America!

John McCain is just annoying now.  Once so highly respected; now not so much.  He could have written his own ticket, now he just seems doddering. I do not know the answers about Susan Rice's role in Ben Ghazi, but I am willing to wait without flinging s**t around until the investigation is done.  My spine goes up every time he mentions the 4 great Americans that died.  It feels political and not heartfelt.  Do I think his heart is heavy for the 4 Americans, yes.  Do I think he's politicizing their deaths, yes. I wonder how the families feel?  I know during the campaign they didn't want their loss to be used in the campaigns to get votes. Now, that it's behind us, the drums are getting louder.  Can't we just get all the answers first before we start making accusations?  I find it uncomfortable and, surprise, surprise, inauthentic.

Sidebars: Mitt Romney needs to take the high road or disappear for a while. How unjust does it feel that you nearly die from a drug overdose and then get arrested?  That's what happened to Jon Bon Jovi's college age daughter.  Isn't that enough punishment?  Is arrest necessary?  She wasn't dealing.  She was using.  I am so sorry for the pain the child and family will have to deal with to get to the other side.  The Voice still doesn't disappoint.  So much talent, I can't believe America can support that many singers.  That the Rolling Stones are celebrating 50 years is a feat that will never occur again.  It is awe-inspiring.  There are no words to adequately express how incredible that is.  In this day and age of instant success and failure....I forgot to plug my favorite Canadian show on ION TV, Flashpoint. It began it's last new season two weeks ago. Covert Affairs has one more episode to go this season.  Between Homeland and Covert Affairs, my spy quotient has been high and happy!  Break a leg to Kathie Lee Gifford.  Her musical, Scandalous, opens tonight on Broadway.  I really wish her the best.  It would be such a great story if it's a hit.  The Lion King is celebrating its 15th anniversary on Broadway.  I will always remember that because it opened a few months after my babies were born and I was hoping that it would run long enough for them to see.  It has and they did.  

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Monday, November 12, 2012


There are so many things going on.  I was trying not to pile on last week about the great success the Democrats had on election day, but Republican pundits, really???  Really??? Way to go with sportsmanship.  The sour grapes that ran amok last week was pathetic.  Anyone who follows me knows how important good sportsmanship is to me and nowhere was it needed more than by the "leaders" of the Republican party. D***ld T**mp has gone over the edge.  He needs to check into the Mayo Clinic for an array of neurological testing.  Rush and Sean were unbelievable in their public outrage.  On election night itself, someone tweeted that Romney didn't have a concession speech written.  I thought it was a joke.  Really?  How is that possible?  Bill Maher may have nailed it about the "bubble" the Republicans live in.  How can Romney not have had a concession speech?  How could anyone not be prepared either way?  Enough of the absurdity.  Now, it's time to rejoice and come together.  

General Petraeus.  Had to mention but don't know what to say about that.  Seems like there will be many shoes to drop.  I just hope that we can forego all the political drama queens and get to the truth, wherever that leads.  Again, patience.

I am sick of football.  I know heresy, but this weekend within 30 minutes, two star quarterbacks were knocked out with concussions.  There were more injuries than that, too numerous to count. The NFL proudly airs a commercial about how they are working on better helmets for the safety of the players.  Kidding, right?  That's not good enough, Roger.  There are too many players suffering from far too many debilitating ailments to air a commercial.  Protecting their asses.  Isn't going to work.  They are always behind the 8 ball.  They can change things much faster with far reaching consequences if they weren't worried about getting every last inch on the field.  In college football on Saturday, a player went helmet to helmet received a 15 yard penalty for his team.  He should have been benched for the game.  Zero tolerance.  Money is still speaking louder than safety.  Will the class action suit against the NFL be their undoing?  

Sidebars:  Monday, Monday.  Homeland is stellar.  Amazing Race was far too intense, but love seeing them race all over Moscow. The Shark Tank Friday was the least fun it's been.  The Sharks were really rough on the entrepreneurs. Still think it is a show that all should be watching.  Very educational. The Good Wife was back; one of its best episodes.  Though I do hope I am wrong about future conflicts, I really do.  Late to the game, but finally saw Argo and loved it.  Ben Affleck has grown into a fine man, actor, and director.  Who would've thunk it? Alan Arkin and even John Goodman were great together. I hope the Lakers realize how lucky they are to have Mike D'Antoni!  And a big shout out to all the Veterans who have served and given their lives for our Country and our freedoms. Thank you!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh, What A Night!!

Who could have ever imagined that at around 11:10pm on November 6, 2012 we would know who the President of the United States would be?  I never thought that we wouldn't have to live through recounts and lawsuits.  It was that defining. It was startling.  Getting ready for bed and the television pundits announced President Barack Obama's win and we still didn't know about Florida.  And in the light of day, we still don't know about Florida but it doesn't matter!!  Do you hear that?  It doesn't matter.  The President was successful in his re-election bid.  Mitt Romney can go back to the private sector and continue with his ventures. 

There were many thrilling wins last night.  Elizabeth Warren winning the Senate seat from Scott Brown.  Claire McCaskill fending off the nutcracker Todd Akin. Richard Mourdock lost his Senate race to Joe Donnelly,thankfully, after his ignoramus comments about abortion .                 Linda McMahon lost her second self-funded bid for a Senate seat in Connecticut to Chris Murphy. Tammy Baldwin beating Tommy Thompson is huge and she's the first openly gay Senator elected to the Senate!  Washington State and Colorado legalized marijuana. Maine and Maryland legalized same-sex marriage. More women in the Senate than ever before!!!  

I want to bask in the glory of this win.  It was a ridiculously long, hard fight.  Today is a day to enjoy, have hope, and feel good.  There's much to say and much to discuss, but today, aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, wallow in the joy. 

Romney won the White vote.  

Sidebars:  Weekend Today unceremoniously replaced Jenna Wolfe as co-anchor.  I don't understand it.  They moved her from co-host to newsreader.  They replaced her with Erica Hill from CBS.  It is another uncomfortable NBC moment.  It was painfully clear that Jenna Wolfe was trying so hard to be a team player and a good sport.  It was awful.  Wish I could have been in that meeting.  Check off another mark in the bad decision making at NBC. Now, that Savannah Guthrie has been co-hosting with Matt Lauer for a couple of months, I am weighing in.  It's the producers and/or the network bigwigs fault.  They take smart, educated, serious minded women and try to turn them into giggly girls. They did it disastrously with Ann Curry and now Savannah Guthrie.  It's not natural and it feels like Savannah is being dumbed down.  When Savannah Guthrie gets to be in her element of news, she is far better, which is also true for Ann Curry.  Clearly, taking women from news is not the path.  We are bracing for a Nor'Easter here.  Keep a good thought for all those who have already lost so much.  

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Monday, November 5, 2012


If President Obama doesn't win the election, I will definitely not be a good sport about the loss.  It may be the worst loss of my lifetime because it will give the wackos more power.  The crazies will be running the asylum.  Honestly, if I haven't made it clear, if the politicians would take the Jesus out of politics, I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable and fearful.  I find the current trend of extremely religious people pushing their beliefs onto me very threatening and disconcerting.  The lack of individuality in Congress is troubling.  Believe me, I don't think for one minute if everything stays the same, things will be different. That's far less scary than pushing an antiquated social agenda onto the American people.  

I had a dream that voters were able to throw the tea partiers out of office, even if it meant another Republican and not a Democrat.  That would mean that the likes of Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan would be over.  I still want to seriously overhaul Congress no matter what happens tomorrow. I think that members of Congress and the Senate  should be paid per day that they work and a bonus if they pass a bill in the best interests of all Americans.  I think that former members of Congress shouldn't get pension and welfare for life.  Maybe it should be equal to how long one served.  Honestly, I think they shouldn't get anything.  Where else do you still get paid benefits for life even after only two years of service?  It's ridiculous the cushy set up these politicians have.  Have you noticed that the Tea baggers never suggest to cut anything that would hurt their pockets?  

Politicians need to overhaul how many days they are working.  They have more time off than anyone and get lifetime benefits.  It's a joke.  They seem to spend more time doing nothing for the citizens of this country and more time campaigning to keep their jobs. 

Okay, my mind is going faster than I can put words together.  I am worried about the election tomorrow and hope that the polls are wrong and it won't be a tight race.  I want to know who won.  I want the electoral college( which should be abolished in the 21st century) and the popular vote to be the same.  I don't want there to be a long and drawn out counting of ballots and then recounting.  I want everyone who can vote and are registered to vote to be patient in the expected lines.  I want every registered voter to use their hard fought right and vote.  Do not be put off by intimidation. Remember if you are in line when the polls close, you still get to cast your vote. Do not let the day slip away from you.  Plan it in your day tomorrow.  This is important.  This is more important to our sons and daughters than ever before in my lifetime.  This is  an incredible time in our country's history. Have I been clear?  VOTE!!!!!!!

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Don't Get It

Women voting for Republicans. I don't get it.  Truly I don't.  It's like black people or gay people being Republican.  I have never gotten it in all these years and in recent years instead of becoming more inclusive they have become less inclusive.  I just don't get it.  Republicans don't criticize their own.  They don't publicly dress down remarks by both candidates or surrogates that are so inflammatory, racist, or insulting.  There is no way, no chance, that talking heads on the left wouldn't rip someone apart if the shoe were on the other foot.  Wrong is wrong.  Hypocrisy abounds.  The Republican party reminds me of the opening ceremonies of the Chinese Olympics.  They march in goose step at all times.  They stand by each other no matter what.  

Women in the Republican party have been silent on all attacks against women and reproductive rights.  Silent.  In so many times throughout history, silence is interpreted as agreement and support.  Look at the racial terror of the South, Nazi Germany, Muslim terrorists.  How can a woman back the Republicans?  How can a gay man or woman back a party that is against same-sex marriage?  How can a low income person support candidates that are more concerned with rich people and companies than one's survival?  I know for decades that people vote against their interests, it's just that I get it if you are a rich Democrat voting for a party that supports social programs.  It may be assuaging guilt. It may be the christian way to vote.  Republican voters seem more interested in themselves.  

I know people are one issue voters,  whether it's taxes, Israel, women's issues, defense spending, etc.  This election seems far more distasteful than before.  I have probably felt that in every election, but each election cycle is getting more disgusting.  The fact that men keep throwing women's rights under the bus makes this election more desperate.  That there is any woman that could vote for Republican candidates that don't support an American's individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is beyond me.  That the Republican party's platform is against same sex marriage and a woman's right to choose is indicative of a party that has gone so off the rail that their credibility is in question.  The party has become so insidiously racist that it's as if we have turned the clocks back to the 1950's.  I find all of this painful on so many levels.  How could things go so wrong?  How can people support such a distorted view of the world and our future?  

Once again, we are not a Christian nation.  Those lines have gotten blurred.  I will never understand putting one's religious beliefs on others.  So ladies and gentlemen, snap out of it.  We need contraception. We need abortion rights. We need the right to marry the one we love.  And if you don't think that women's rights are also an economic issue, you are all kidding yourselves. Issues can't be compartmentalized; they are all intertwined. That argument may be making an impact, but again, listen up ladies, don't be duped. Think about it. 

Sidebars:  The concert fundraiser spear-headed by Matt Lauer on NBC was an incredibly moving and emotional hour with Christina Aguilera, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Sting, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Fallon, Danny DeVito, Brian Williams, Al Roker, Mary J. Blige, and Jon Bon Jovi.  It was celebrity at its best and I think they raised a ton of money because it was so difficult to get through. I finally donated through  If you haven't and you are able, please donate.  After watching that hour, the devastation is worse than I even imagined.  If you missed it, I am sure you can Google it. Well worth it.  If you missed the Lesley Gore video, Google that while you are at it.  For those of you without power, do your best to stay warm.  It's cold here now.  

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

There's Got To Be A Morning After

It's been three days since Hurricane Sandy passed through the tri-state area.  It has been far more devastating than anyone could have predicted. In the light of day and the blue skies above, the shattered lives of so many is clear. The people of Breezy Point, Queens lost 111 homes in a catastrophic fire.  The half of Hoboken, New Jersey are under of water. The lower part of Manhattan is under water and has no electricity. And the Jersey Shore...destroyed. This is all news everyone knows by now.  The local newscasts can't get enough of the storytelling of heroics and tragedies. 

What I have to share is that though there is devastation all around us, we were untouched.  Inconvenienced, but untouched.  Just like 9/11, we live in two different Manhattans. A few short miles, lives are challenged, homes destroyed, businesses wrecked. Where we live, it's as if nothing happened.  Other than the grocery shelves are bare and the parks are closed, the impact on our lives has been minimal.  Do we feel the pain of our fellow New Yorkers? Our compassion is on overdrive. Our empathy knows no bounds.  But, gratefully and thankfully, no direct hit.  We are a community of resilience and brotherly love.  No city rises higher than New Yorkers. 

The children didn't have school this week until today. We shall see if our Headmaster made the correct decision.  We are one of the few schools open.  All public schools are closed until Monday, as are most private schools.  Our school had enough and wants everyone back.  The parents do too, but only if it's safe and the education is of value.  Can't imagine how many teachers will actually be there to teach.  Unlike public schools, private schools do not add days back for missed days of school.  That is something that should be changed if we are to continue to have city stopping weather.  

I feel this is a very disjointed rumination. We have been inundated by so much reporting and photos focussing is challenging. I am sorry because I'd like to be more eloquent during this incredible time.  Our first catastrophic storm last year was in October too and, like last year, I can only hope we are done for the winter. Be safe, be kind, and if you can help your neighbor from near or far, please do.

Sidebars:  After 24/7 "breaking news," television started to get back to normal slowly.  The Voice is still by far the best show for reality singing competition.  The X Factor is far too overproduced that I just tuned out.  I am relieved to get a break from politics.  That is the silver lining, but they are all revving up for the final few days.  Didn't get that Senator candidate Linda McMahon of Connecticut took a break at all.  Tasteful.  It has been heartwarming to see Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and Governor Chris Christie put all politics aside and focus on the big picture.  Reminds me of how it used to be.  

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